Que savons-nous ? Et sommes-nous même assurés d'exister ? Actuellement différents de ce que nous étions à la seconde précédente, et de ce que nous deviendrons dans un instant, nous assistons à l'évanouissement perpétuel des phénomènes du monde extérieur, aussi bien qu'à celui de nos états de conscience.

André Rolland de Renéville

mardi 3 janvier 2012

Wilde Child: Morrissey interviewed by Paul Morley Blitz, April, 1988


Do you think that such troubles, and the nature of your sexuality, informs the ways and means of your songs?

What can you possibly mean?
There's a lot of guesswork concerning your sexuality, but it seems very important to your work.

People do try and join up the dots to come up with some kind of answer... There may well be no answer. I have to say, and this sounds rehearsed, I've always felt closer to transexuality than anything else.
What is your ideal sexual experience?

I don't have a vision of it at all. Why do people ask me questions like this?
Because you ask for it. You're the only person who can seriously be asked those questions.

Oh, come now.
Is there any sex in Morrissey?

None whatsoever. Which in itself is quite sexy.
What happened to the sex?

It was never there. Not thoroughly, so to speak...
What happened?

Nothing! It goes back to being an incredibly unpopular person. No one asked.
Did you ever ask anybody?

Once or twice. Girls and boys. I sent notes... After a while I thought, that is it, that is the end of the notes. I don't want to go through that anymore. In a particular sense, I am a virgin. Well, in a very thorough sense, actually (chuckle).
Do you feel you have missed out?

I tend to think so, yes. But so be it. Perhaps if there had been sex, I wouldn't have written.
Have you had fantasies of fucking?

Yes. But they pass...
No sex. No love. What kind of cold person are you?

A horrible one, no doubt. The next answer will again appear in big black bold letters at the top of the interview. I've always felt above sex and love.
Sounds mighty.

No, it's incredibly light, and you're being sarcastic anyway. In a way, I believe that all those things like love, sex, sharing a life with somebody, are actually quite vague. Being only with yourself can be much more intense. I personally have always felt trapped within the feeling of being constantly disappointed with people. In a way I do feel things that are conceivably better and more important than sexual situations. I mean, sex is presumably the final point one reaches, I don't know. It doesn't matter to me. All the emotions I need to express come from within me. They don't really come from other people. I seem to feel things far more intensely and precisely than people who express a rag-bag of emotions and survive, just, loads of relationships. I see all situations, even when I'm not involved and it's nothing to do with me, in a very dramatic way.