Que savons-nous ? Et sommes-nous même assurés d'exister ? Actuellement différents de ce que nous étions à la seconde précédente, et de ce que nous deviendrons dans un instant, nous assistons à l'évanouissement perpétuel des phénomènes du monde extérieur, aussi bien qu'à celui de nos états de conscience.

André Rolland de Renéville

mercredi 14 décembre 2011

Candy Darling , dying note (1974)

To whom it may concern
By the time you read this I will be gone. Unfortunately before my death I had no desire left for life. Even with all my friends and my career on the upswing I felt too empty to go on in this unreal existence. I am just so bored by everything. You might say bored to death. It may sound ridiculous but is true. I have arranged my own funeral arrangements with a guest list and it is paid for. I would like to say goodbye to Jackie Curtis, I think you're fabulous. Holly, Sam Green a true friend and noble person, Ron Link I'll never forget you, Andy Warhol what can I say, Paul Morrissey, Lennie you know I loved you, Andy you too, Jeremiah don't take it too badly just remember what a bitch I was, Geraldine I guess you saw it coming. Richard Turley & Richard Golub I know I could've been a star but I decided I didn't want it. Manuel, I'm better off now. Terry I love you. Susan I am sorry, did you know I couldn't last I always knew it. I wish I could meet you all again.
Goodbye for Now
Love Always
Candy Darling
Tinkerbell HI!

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